course packages

Find the perfect course package

Improve your knowledge on attracting capital and find potential investors. Study with our team of experts to learn the skills you need to become a great capital raiser. Learn more about our course today, and find out how we can help you achieve your goals!

See our package offerings and find out which is best for you!
Write your awesome label here.
Advance Your Knowledge

Develop your attracting capital skills with our course.

Choose which package is the right fit for you. Learn more on what each package offers to make your decision.
Our Bundles

Choose your Attracting Capital bundle package:

Door Knockers

We make attracting capital understandable and accessible.
*Access for 6 Months
  • One Coaching Call
  • Full Course Accessibility
  • Educational Videos
  • Course Material and Exams
  • Useful Resources
  • *Live Mastermind Sessions (Included)

Movers and Shakers

We make attracting capital understandable and accessible.
*Access for 12 Months
  • 3 Coaching Calls
  • Custom Logo and Pitch Deck Design!
  • Full Course Accessibility
  • Educational Videos
  • Course Material and Exams
  • Live Mastermind Sessions + Guest Speaker Webinars
  • Useful Resources


We make attracting capital understandable and accessible.
*Access for 12 Months
  • 12 Coaching Calls
  • Deal Flow Access
  • Potential Partnerships with Nine Doors Down
  • Assist in Hosting your own Meet Ups
  • Custom Logo, Website and Pitch Deck Design!
  • Private Chat Community
  • Full Course Accessibility
  • Educational Videos
  • Course Material and Exams
  • Live Mastermind Sessions + Guest Speaker Webinars
  • Useful Resources
Advance your career

Learn how to Underwrite Multi-Family Apartments

  • Market Analysis
  • Expert Investors
  • Successful Strategies
*Access for 12 Months
Write your awesome label here.

Door Knockers 

Attracting Capital Course - Get Started
Access for 6 Months

Write your awesome label here.

1 Coaching call

Present your pitch to us for constructive feedback.

Live Mastermind Sessions

Bi-Weekly live zoom sessions for students to participate.

Educational Videos, Course Material and Exams

In depth  material and quizzes to test your knowledge gain.

Useful Resources & More

Useful resources and tools to use for your studies.

Movers and Shakers

Attracting Capital Course - Step It Up
Access for 12 Months

Write your awesome label here.

3 Coaching Calls

Throughout your course, we set up 3 in depth coaching calls to walk you through your journey.

Custom Logo and Pitch Design for You!

We design your logo and pitch deck for you. 

Live Mastermind Sessions & Guest Speaker Webinars

Bi-Weekly live zoom sessions for discussions and guest speaker webinars for students to learn from seasoned vets.

Course Material, Useful Resources & More

Course material, useful resources, tools and educational videos.


Attracting Capital Course - Elite
Access for 12 Months

Write your awesome label here.

12 Coaching Calls

Throughout your course, we set up 12 in depth coaching calls to walk you through your journey.

Custom Logo, Website and Pitch Design for You!

We design your logo, website and pitch deck for you. 

Live Mastermind Sessions & Guest Speaker Webinars

Bi-Weekly live zoom sessions for discussions and guest speaker webinars for students to learn from seasoned vets.

Course Material, Useful Resources & More

Course material, useful resources, tools and educational videos.

What our students say about us

Mark Humboldt

Berry Creek Financial
student of School of Nine Doors Down
"They (Jon & Anthony) have 15 years experience and thats been really beneficial and you can tell they really have the capability to impart that knowledge on those who decide to learn how to raise capital. They keep me accountable to achieve the objectives of the training and value the knowledge gain. "

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