
Learn to underwrite multi-family apartments in an easy to follow system.
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course contents

What's included?

Market Analysis

Identify great properties in great locations with potential job growth for strong cashflow and appreciation.

Expert Investors

Access to the experts. It takes time and effort to learn how to invest in real estate. Technical and fundamental analysis of the markets are often difficult for investors to find great properties. 

Successful strategies

Hospi will introduce you to underwrite properties to maintain profitability and support your success as a real estate investor.
Meet the instructor

Lioneil Guevarra

Lioneil Guevarra is a healthcare professional that has been investing in real estate since 2018. His current solo investments include single family homes specifically for travel healthcare and student housing in the San Francisco bay area. He has transitioned into multifamily, and co-founded Hospi, a real estate investment firm serving medical professionals and their passive investing needs. The team has roughly 500 units in the fund. For the last 15 years, he has worked in healthcare, specializing in pediatric pharmacy in the San Francisco Bay area. He has overseen the hiring, training, and development of staff in high intensity, low margin of error environments. He holds a master’s degree in organizational leadership from St. Mary’s College of California and possesses direct experience in identifying talent, creating operational systems, and optimizing systems using the lean process.
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